Tuesday, May 22, 2012

We’ll dig deeper than magma, we’ll discover the lava; the lava of years past waiting to be released from beneath layers of burning flesh.  Do your best to dig deep n me to the core & discover your rebirth inside me.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dear Mother Africa

I apologize for our forgetfulness of where we come from;
our disrespectfulness of what you once stood for.
Because now all I see when I open my project door
is faded sunlight casting shadows on sinking concrete sidewalks
and chalked outlines of unfinished existences
cocaine kings
and heroin princesses on their daily stroll
trying not to trip over their dilapidated souls dragging behind them
intertwined with their collapsed veins
and their days begin to blend into weeks
and their weeks into months
and their months into years
until they no longer hear their own cry
because they've long since realized God has forgotten about them
Or really they've forgotten about him.

Because now they worship the pimps that promise them a better life each time they spread their thighs and contaminate the purity inside.
Open wide for twenty dollars;
swallow the polluted seed of a stranger.
Too numb to feel the anger
too cold to care about the danger of becoming a statistic.

Too busy chasing false ambitions
molested viciously by the hollow promises of the street.
Dear Mother Africa we need to be free from a land that we now see as a tomb for the resurrection of slavery.

We are shackled by our own deception and we need your protection.
If your people that are called by your name understood our powerful connection,
we would never question our freedom's quest.

And these words would be womanifestated in the chest of each brotha that could not breathe
and each sister that could not see
the beauty of our ancestry.

©2012 S.H

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I pull gravity from the earth’s core when I write,
so my words levitate off the paper.
I can’t sleep at night, mind's too elevated.
Astral-projecting thru phases of the earth’s rotation;
as I hustle moon-dust and sling lunar rocks
and walk the surface of the sun
so my essence is made ecliptic.

With the power of a tribal mystic
I conjure ancient spirits
to extract the venom from my fangs
and decontaminate my veins
so the blood flow to my brain is pure enough to sustain my equilibrium.
So I achieve balance as I travel this middle passage

The path laid b4 me is righteous
I just stroll with the cadence of my ancestor’s drums.
Some can’t see the wounds festering on my skin,
I painted over them with the tribal symbols of Ancient Warrior women. 
The battle scars of sin discolor my melanin & I'm fading into an abyss, but I'm too fuckin rebellious to die from this...
Used night vision goggles to search for my identity in the darkness

Follow this path to the knowledge of self
the wealth of my existence no longer hinges
on politickin’ with signifying monkeys with funky breath
from the shit they eject  out of mouths with rotten flesh;
a blatant disrespect of my intellect.

I erect Queendoms with my innerstanding;
demanding the blood of false prophets, rocking the foundations of the wicked
in counterfeit temples.
Simple minds read the lines and never in between.

Never mistake me born a universal Queen possessing 3rd eye vision
Expanding ur knowledge like helium
or a mother’s womb like 30 seconds b4 birth.
Like ur lungs when u inhale my verse.
Giving you metaphoric indigestion
as ur mental intestines are digesting my lyrical lessons. 

With each meditation, I sharpen my weapon
& I'm manifesting the spiritual
to make my thoughts 3 dimensional. 
So u can feel what chu readin' & see what I'm sayin'. 
I'm weighin' in heavy like Frazier. 
Pound for pound, 
I'm dope like that lime green loud. 

I be Queen Kush from Kemet; 
sculpted from the sands of Zion. 
Descended from Judah's Lion; 
I was pressed for this
Blessed for this. 
I was gifted this
soul of a lyricist. 

©2016 Shay Holt (Impresse)
©2012 S.H

Monday, May 7, 2012


Lines blurred,
reality deferred
because I love this fantasy too deeply.
Decadent images imprinted on my mind’s eye
simply by the way he looks at me.
Instinctively my heart beats to the rhythm of his speech
breathes life into my imagination.
So fascinated by his individuality,
his presence reinvents me daily.
Nightly, I pray for the gift of prophecy
just so I can predict what he needs before he thinks it
and convey every emotion before he feels it

I’m twisted
in my sheets from tossing & turning;
yearning for him to release me
from beneath the layers of my burning flesh.

Rest evades me because I’m up most nights past three
ritually lighting incense trying to cleanse my spirit
of what I’m feeling

But shiiittt, he's so beautiful,
falling into him is inescapable.

No longer capable of embracing the actuality of us
since it just contradicts the visions in my daydreams
of us tangled in the lyrics our spirits compose on bed linen
that resembles parchment scrolls;
because what we do is historical.

Categorical storms form in the atmosphere
as the Universe anticipates the new breed of revolutionary
we've been destined to create.

Days begin to blend into infinite time lines
as I count the 68,400 seconds
that makes up the 1,140 minutes
that make up the 19 hours
until I can devour his magnificence again.

I’m so far in I find myself jealous of the sun rays
fighting for space on his skin.

And I’m living in alternate spaces that bare no traces
of reality
because I’m loving this fantasy too deeply.

©2012 S.H.